Life with or without Obamacare   Leave a comment

       I know what I seen about Obama care and I wonder if it’s for me or against me. From what I’ve seen,  its against me.  I ‘m 26 years old and never had a full time job. I been working part-time jobs all my life and I went to college, got a certified nursing associate license, and I have a PTIN to do taxes when tax season comes around. I also work in the school system as cafetiere operator. I worry about my future everyday. According to what I understand about Obama care, the company with full time workers are required to have medical insurance. Okay then, what about people like me who work part-time jobs? Do we have to buy medical insurance? If we do then, Obama care is not for me.

       Some companies have already find loopholes in Obama care. They are hiring more part-time workers than full time workers.  And some companies can’t afford all full time workers so they hire part- time to keep the business stable. That’s smart but it  also hurting the economy financially. Think about it, the less money people have in their pocket, the less they spent and if they don’t spend the stock market will feel the affect. Also the less money people have, the less likely people will travel and buy houses and cars.

      I don’t know about Obama care. What I do know is if I had a full time job, I would be for it. Believe it or not these are probably the people for it. But I don’t have a full time , I have a part- time job. Therefore I’m against Obama care because I can’t afford it , just like this country can’t afford. It’s a shame I live in a country that I can’t afford to take care of myself but this is just my opinion.

Posted September 27, 2013 by rodsopinion in Uncategorized

The Condition   Leave a comment

Today I went on the unemployment website for South Carolina and they have 9.8 rate for unemployment. I wonder would it get any better, maybe or maybe not. The condition of this world is really getting to me. I’m twenty-three years old and I don’t have a job. I have fill out every possible online application there is and no body has not yet. I talked to my advisor and I can’t start on my degree program until I get some money. So I’m stuck and it occurred to me that I am not the only one. 

      The condition of this world is not getting better. Think about it. Reality is that another Great Depression is starting and there is nothing no one can do about it. Sure, people can go on with their lives like nothing is going on but the reality is you are either rich or poor. There is no middle class or there will be no middle class. The middle class is a man-made, big illusion.

The condition is reality and I’m not saying this because I am experiencing. I’m saying this because I see it in the news, hear it on the radio, and I see it on certain websites. Reality makes the condition even worst. Who can help? What can you do? Why is this happening? These are the questions that need answer to them and this is rod’s opinion.

Posted June 10, 2011 by rodsopinion in Uncategorized

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Posted April 12, 2011 by rodsopinion in Uncategorized